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e bannerespaEΤΠΑ460X60
English (UK)
Metal Oxide Surge Arresters

Metal Oxide Surge Arresters without gaps, DH class, operating at 20kV distribution networks, manufactured with composite housing.

Manufactured by the certified with ISO 9001:2015 Hangzhou Yongde Electric Appliances CO., Ltd in collaboration with STALCO S.A., according to the HEDNO Technical Description ND-399/04.06.19.


The outer housing of the surge arrester is manufactured with silicone rubber, suitable for outdoor installation and operating in areas with high corrosion (deposits of dust, salt, industrial pollutants, presence of humidity, rain and snow).

The surge arrester is equipped with a disconnecting device, which is intended for connection to the earthing conductor, and it is automatically disconnected from the surge arrester in case of an electric fault of the arrester.

The surge arrester is also equipped with two tightening lugs. The lugs are stainless, suitable for connecting Cu conductors of 16 to 35 mm2 effective cross section.

The metallic parts of the surge arrester are made of stainless steel or tin-plated bronze with minimum tin-plating thickness of 15μm.

It is also equipped with a suitable insulating mounting bracket, which is placed between the main body of the surge arrester and the steel mounting assembly.

The surge arrester is suitable to withstand the forces from the connection of the network conductor, as well as the forces applied to the housing of the surge arrester when it is connected to the network.

It is also accompanied by tinned copper flexible stranded wire (or braid of circular cross-section) of 16mm2 minimum cross section and a minimum length of 0,70m. The flexible wire at its one edge shall end to a lug with suitable hole for the connection to the disconnecting device. The other edge is free for the connection with the earthing conductor of the pole through a brass split bolt connector. Each flexible wire is delivered adapted to the disconnecting device of each surge arrester.



Operating Conditions

Max. Altitude


1.000 m

Operating Temperatures


from -40ο C to +40ο C

Min. Average Annual Exposure to Solar Radiation


2.800 h


Rated Voltage (Vr)

21 kV

Continuous Operating Voltage (Vc), minimum value

16 kV

Nominal Discharge Current (In), 8/20 μs

10 kA

Maximum Residual Voltage (Ures) at Nominal Discharge Current (In)

65 kV

Maximum Residual Voltage (Ures) at Steep Current Impulse, 1/10 μs

71 kV

High Current Impulse 4/10 μs

100 kA

Repetitive Charge Transfer Rating (Qrs)

≥ 0.4 C

Thermal Charge Transfer Rating (Qth)

≥ 1.1 C

Insulation withstand of the arrester housing at lightning impulse voltage 1.2/50 μs

125 kV

Insulation withstand of the arrester housing at power : frequency voltage under wet conditions, 1 min

54 kV

SSL (Specified short-term load)

100 Nm/min

SLL (Specified long-term load)

100 Nm/min